Creating Alliances with Radical Community Builders

By Andre Barnes

My role as HBCU Engagement Director can be very schizophrenic because essentially I have two roles. I am the educator who goes to Historically Black Colleges and Universities and community groups to give presentations about immigration. I am also the agitator who will work with grassroots organizations to conduct polling, organize twitter spaces, and rally … Continued

Bipartisan Bill Sings Same Old Mass Migration Tune

By Chris Chmielenski

You have to hand it to Representatives Salazar and Escobar. They are not going to allow anything such as facts or logic get in the way of their open-borders agenda. They introduced a bipartisan bill called ‘The Dignity Act of 2023,’ which really should be called the Cheap Labor Act. It is difficult to imagine … Continued

State of the Union – Biden Misleading on Border Crisis

By Lisa Irving

Despite having an unprecedented border crisis that began under his watch, President Biden had very little to say about this crisis during the State of the Union address he delivered on February 7. Still, what little he did say was misleading: And let’s also come together on immigration and make it a bipartisan issue like … Continued

Lame Duck Congress Chanting War EAGLE

By Chris Chmielenski

With the Southwest Border under the control of cartels and American workers struggling to make ends meet, the House of Representatives is spending this week considering a bill to eliminate limits on legal immigration to the United States. The bill is H.R. 3648, the Equal Access to Green Cards for Legal Employment Act of 2022, … Continued

This Washington Post Asparagus Op-Ed Stinks

By Andrew Good

The Washington Post recently published an op-ed piece from the American Business Immigration Coalition’s top onion magnate, Shay Myers. I’ve been meaning to write about this sooner, but House Democrats kept us busy in the lead-up to the passage of the “Build Back Better” bill with its amnesty and green card blowout that makes this … Continued

Poll: Manchin’s West Virginia Democratic Voters Oppose Amnesty In Reconciliation Bill

By Roy Beck

Only 33% of West Virginia’s Democratic “likely voters ” say they prefer the 10-year amnesty for up to 8 million illegal immigrants in the budget reconciliation bill that is headed to the Senate, according to new polling by {text}. The overwhelming opposition to that amnesty from Senator Joe Manchin’s own party, and even greater objections … Continued

House Passes Largest Amnesty in History

By Chris Chmielenski

After several failed attempts, House Democrats finally completed the first step to passing what could be the largest illegal alien amnesty in U.S. history this morning by approving H.R. 5376, Pres. Biden’s Build Back Better legislation. Click here to read all the details in the House version of H.R. 5376. In summary, the bill would: … Continued

Democrats Inch Closer to Possible Amnesty Vote

By Chris Chmielenski

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested a vote was imminent on a bill that would grant amnesty to nearly 8 million illegal aliens on Thursday afternoon only to rescind it just a few hours later. Regardless of yesterday’s canceled votes, Congressional Democrats moved closer to passing their sweeping budget reconciliation bill. Most NumbersUSA activists who have … Continued

Democrats Inch Closer to Possible Amnesty Vote

By Chris Chmielenski

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested a vote was imminent on a bill that would grant amnesty to nearly 8 million illegal aliens on Thursday afternoon only to rescind it just a few hours later. Regardless of yesterday’s canceled votes, Congressional Democrats moved closer to passing their sweeping budget reconciliation bill. Most NumbersUSA activists who have … Continued