Taking the message to the streets

By Andre Barnes

Conversations matter! My recent Hiring Line tour started in Chicago with a debate style panel. It included Theo Wilson and Dr. Pete Lorins. We discussed immigration and the Black community on June 20th, 2024 on Theo Wilson’s ShopTalkLive program format. June 20th was also World Refugee Day. I purposely planned to have this discussion on … Continued

Mingling with the Activists during my Boston Media Blitz

By Andre Barnes

My trip to Boston was amazing! I gave two presentations, had an OP-ED published, and completed a radio show. I was out in Boston with the movers and shakers, who are pushing back against the open border narratives. I also had an opportunity to meet with a few community members and let them know more … Continued

Creating Alliances with Radical Community Builders

By Andre Barnes

My role as HBCU Engagement Director can be very schizophrenic because essentially I have two roles. I am the educator who goes to Historically Black Colleges and Universities and community groups to give presentations about immigration. I am also the agitator who will work with grassroots organizations to conduct polling, organize twitter spaces, and rally … Continued

The Mirage of Progress: Lessons from my Trip to the Texas Border

By Andre Barnes

When touring the Texas border, you will see great walls, barbed wire, and military vehicles. When we landed in Eagle Pass there were no longer thousands crossing. This would give you the perception that progress has been made…I am here to tell you that it is all a mirage. A theater production between Texas and … Continued

Getting Into the Weeds

By Andre Barnes

According to an April 1-22 Gallup survey, immigration was named the top problem in the U.S. for the third straight month. But why? It has been my pleasure to speak with Americans around the country to find out. I have also been to the border where I wandered into some tall weeds. There our guide … Continued

NPPs (Non-Political People) are “spilling the tea” about immigration

By Andre Barnes

Frequently, Non-Political People (rappers, actors, professors, etc.) will often be asked to share their opinions about a political issue or use their popularity to get people out to the polls. However, occasionally issues are so dire that NPPs are uncharacteristically volunteering their views, questioning the status quo, and demanding change.

Lines in time tend to rhyme: How John Waller Jr’s experiences with immigration is eerily similar to today in Sanctuary Cities.

By Andre Barnes

John Waller Jr’s quote clearly illustrates what was happening with mass immigration during the 19th century.

Taking the Show on the Road

By Andre Barnes

As I continue to go to different colleges and universities, I am going to continue to provide students with information, demonstrations, and tools to get involved. I am going to continue to develop my craft and find new ways to excite students about immigration. I want to provide them with information that will inspire them to take an interest, vote, and possibly be future activists for an issue that directly affects them.