Immigration challenges are global, with variations in scale, but common goals and cooperative efforts are vital for addressing them worldwide.
The challenges posed by legal immigration levels, illegal immigration, and asylum abuse and fraud are faced in other countries besides the United States. While the size and scale of these challenges may vary, there is much common ground for those working to implement immigration policies in the interest of their individual nations.
NumbersUSA regularly communicates with like-minded organizations in other countries and is currently working toward building more structured and permanent relationships.
Cooperative efforts are useful in developing shared goals and initiatives, and groups that may differ on the ultimate ends of immigration policy can and should engage in a robust dialogue about the migration challenges facing the world.
Here are some international groups working on immigration and related issues:
Limen is the biannual international journal of the International Network for Immigration Research published by the Hungarian Migration Research Institute.
The journal takes a critical, realist, and complex approach to migration. As migration phenomena cut across geographical boundaries, the journal is global in its scope. The editors welcome articles theoretical in their orientation and works based on original empirical research.
On November 9, 2023 the International Network for Immigration Research was formed in Budapest, Hungary. The founding organizations are Center for Immigration Studies, Israeli Immigration Policy Center, Migration Research Institute, NumbersUSA, and Observatoire de l’immigration et de la démographie.
INIR will serve to foster collaborative research and cooperation on instituting the best practical immigration policies in each individual country.
“While the members of the Network are based in different countries with varying immigration policies, we share the fundamental position that while acknowledging humanitarian needs and commitments, every nation has the right to pursue and enforce its chosen immigration policies.”
See the full INIR Joint Statement below.
Signing of the INIR Joint Statement, November 9, 2023 – Budapest, Hungary
left to right – Yonatan Jakubowicz (Israeli Immigration Policy Center, Viktor Marsai (Migration Research institute), Mark Krikorian (Center for Immigration Studies), Eric Ruark (NumbersUSA), Nicolas Monti (Observatoire de l’immigration et de la démographie)
Watch “Asylum in the U.S. and Europe” by clicking on the image below.
“Asylum in the U.S. and Europe,” January 4, 2024
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November 7, 2023