State of the Union – Biden Misleading on Border Crisis

author Published by Lisa Irving

Despite having an unprecedented border crisis that began under his watch, President Biden had very little to say about this crisis during the State of the Union address he delivered on February 7.

Still, what little he did say was misleading:

And let’s also come together on immigration and make it a bipartisan issue like it was before.

“We now have a record number of personnel working to secure the border, arresting 8,000 human smugglers and seizing over 23,000 pounds of fentanyl in just the last several months.

“Since we launched our new border plan last month, unlawful migration from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela has come down 97%.

“But America’s border problems won’t be fixed until Congress acts.

“If you won’t pass my comprehensive immigration reform, at least pass my plan to provide the equipment and officers to secure the border. And a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, those on temporary status, farm workers, and essential workers.”

Biden’s statement “America’s border problems won’t be fixed until Congress acts” is blatantly false. It is an attempt to divert attention from his open border policies that resulted in our border patrol and communities throughout the United States being overrun and overwhelmed. In calling for Congress to “at least pass my plan to provide the equipment and officers to secure the border” he also tries to gloss over how his policies have depleted border resources.

Meanwhile, he calls for Congress to pass amnesty, encouraging even more border crossings.

Biden is right about Congress having an important role to play. Congress should stop the Department of Homeland Security’s abuse of parole, and they should require every business to use E-Verify.

Border Encounter Reductions a Sham

Analysts are exposing how Biden’s claims of reduced illegal crossings are sheer sleight of hand based upon his illegal abuse of the parole system. A Newsweek column published late last month expounds:

Under a plan announced January 5, the administration has begun demanding that the largest groups of immigrants crossing lately—up to 360,000 Haitians, Cubans, Venezuelans, and Nicaraguans each year—forgo their illegal plans and instead apply online for “humanitarian parole” on a secure Internet portal called CBP One, while still south of the border.

“Mexico, the United Nations, and a wide constellation of non-governmental organizations will support the immigrants while they wait, helping them collect application documents, a plausible-sounding tale of woe, and a U.S. sponsor in the states willing to put them up. Then, Mexican immigration officials escort the “pre-legalized” approved immigrants in handoffs to American inspectors at official ports of entry, whereupon, all are released into America with two-year work authorizations.

“Voila! The Biden administration can report big reductions in the politically inconvenient illegal crossing statistics while a different statistical column, which no one can see, reflects the equivalent increase in entries.”

Biden’s parole program is being challenged in court.

Biden’s Solution for Cities Struggling with Border Crossings: Amnesty

Last month at the U.S. Conference of Mayors Winter Meeting, Biden met with mayors throughout the country who are struggling with the border crisis and hoping for a federal solution. In responding to the mayors’ pleas for help with housing and resources, Biden touted his comprehensive immigration plan that includes amnesty as the solution to their dire situations:

…immigration is another major issue affecting many of your communities, particularly border communities and near — and near communities.

“I visited the border earlier this month, the first time as President. I’ve been there before, but for the first time as President. And I’m taking action where I have the legal capacity to do so. I’ll continue to call on Congress to act to pass comprehensive immigration reform to fix the system. (Applause.)

“The first bill I introduced was a comprehensive reform legislation on immigration. But because of some in the Congress, they refused to consider it. They found it a better issue to campaign on than an issue to solve.

“So, we have a choice: They can keep using immigration to try to score political points, or we can help solve the problem.”

House Oversight Hearing on the Southern Border

Biden’s State of the Union address came on the heels of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee hearing “On The Front Lines of the Border Crisis: A Hearing with Chief Patrol Agents” held on February 6 that featured testimony from U.S. Customs and Border Protection chief patrol agents, John Modlin of the Tucson Sector and Gloria Chavez of the Rio Grande Valley Sector.

John Modlin testified on how border crossings tripled in his sector from 2020 to 2021, stating: “I don’t have the correct adjective to describe what’s going on…People start talking about asylum and it spreads.” Chavez added that agents often have to forego security measures in order to rescue migrants in precarious situations.

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LISA IRVING is a Content Writer for NumbersUSA’s Media Standards Project

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