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Anne Manetas

Anne is the COO and Secretary of the Board of NumbersUSA. In that capacity, she is responsible for organizational brand, Human Resources, and the design graphics Creative Team that produces all visual content for NumbersUSA. Having been with the organization for over two decades, she has had a hand in virtually all aspects of the … Continued

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Independent Directors

Independent Directors Gary Gerst Chairman Lesley Blackner Board Member Phil Cafaro Board Member Glen Colton Board Member Anne Scott Board Member Steve Todd Board Member Non-Independent Directors Roy H. Beck Founder & President of NumbersUSA, 1996- Oct. 2022 Anne Manetas Chief Operations Officer James Massa Chief Executive Officer

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History of NumbersUSA

Roy Beck founded NumbersUSA in 1996 to facilitate civil debate on immigration recommendations from two prominent Commissions. Harnessing internet technology as it emerged and NumbersUSA’s focus solely on immigration, it grew its membership to become the largest single-issue, grass roots, advocacy group in the United States.

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Remembering Prof. Herman E. Daly (1938 – 2022): Father of Ecological Economics, Opponent of Overpopulation and Mass Immigration

Around the world, those of us who have, for half a century and more, questioned and challenged the reining dogma of “growthmania” — the widespread delusion that infinite population and economic growth is possible in a finite ecosphere — are in mourning. It is as if, as Herman’s longtime colleague and admirer William E. Rees … Continued

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Roy Beck’s new book on the anti-Black racism of mass immigration

I’m excited to share with you news of the release on Amazon of NumbersUSA’s new book, {text} {text} and see for yourself. If you find it as meaningful as I did, please leave a comment on Amazon to let others know (and give a rating). Reviews such as the following from Pulitzer prize-winning investigative journalist … Continued

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Roy Beck’s new book on the anti-Black racism of mass immigration

I’m excited to share with you news of the release on Amazon of NumbersUSA’s new book, {text} {text} and see for yourself. If you find it as meaningful as I did, please leave a comment on Amazon to let others know (and give a rating). Reviews such as the following from Pulitzer prize-winning investigative journalist … Continued

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NumbersUSA Releases Study: Population growth main cause of 1,220 square miles of recent destroyed Florida open space

Miami – In the 2000 – 2010 decade – despite a severe economic downturn near the end – Florida’s 30 Urbanized Areas sprawled out and destroyed 1,220 additional square miles of surrounding farmland and natural habitat, according to a study released today by NumbersUSA. Vanishing Open Spaces in Florida: Population Growth and Sprawl in the … Continued

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Obama Doubles Down on Amnesty

Unfortunately the race to out-amnesty one another just got a new contender as President Obama announced his support for an even more wide-reaching amnesty. WHAT IS ANNOUNCED IN VEGAS SHOULD STAY IN VEGAS It appears President Obama is ready to play Amnesty Roulette and he’s betting on a bigger amnesty than the Gang of Eight’s. … Continued

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Amnesty 2.0: Phone Today To Oppose

While the current proposal is short on details, Rosemary Jenks has reviewed it and tells me it is basically the same sweeping amnesty we defeated in 2007 with “updated” language to re-brand the amnesty. We had hoped that the new voices of Senators Rubio (R-FL) and Lee (R-UT) [both members of the so-called Senate “Gang of Eight”] … Continued

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