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Date September 12, 2022

A view of the “Back of the Hiring Line”

In her review of Roy Beck’s Back of the Hiring Line for American Affairs, Pamela Denise Long urges her readers to look at the history of great waves of immigration through the eyes of “one of our nation’s oldest citizen groups, American Freedmen.” Writing in the same journal that gave us the great article, “The … Continued

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Date June 15, 2022

Remembering immigrant opposition to emancipation on Juneteenth holiday

For eight days in July 1834, immigrants’ fear of the mere possibility of a future flood of newly freed slaves from the South competing with them for jobs in New York City boiled over into a full-scale riot involving thousands. Watch our video about this little remembered event in American history. The new Juneteenth holiday … Continued

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Date June 14, 2022

“The H-1B is easier, I need the body count”

In “Biden Is Caught Between Big Tech and Black Voters,” Rachel Rosenthal analyzes and provides ample data about the limited opportunities for Black Americans in tech. “HBCUs, community colleges and other minority-serving institutions have been ignored at both ends,” Rosenthal reports. “As a result, many Black computer science and engineering graduates have ended up working … Continued

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Date May 12, 2022

The 1834 New York Labor Riots

“For eight days in July 1834, immigrants’ fear of the mere possibility of a future flood of newly freed slaves from the South competing with them for jobs in New York City boiled over into a full-scale riot involving thousands. It drew international attention.” – Back of the Hiring Line, Chapter 3 Watch the video … Continued

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Date May 5, 2022

More people, more footprints.

From the vantage point of my desk, I observe people on the street walking with lunches from nearby restaurants, chatting on their cell phones, and toting packages or shopping bags. These mundane day-to-day activities are done without much thought, as they are part of our regular routines, but what we consume is a feature of … Continued

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Date March 15, 2022

Overshoot Day…already

Annually, the Global Footprint Network “measures a population’s demand for and ecosystems’ supply of resources and services” to inform us when during the course of a year we’ve reached overshoot – the point when we’ve used up what the Earth’s ecosystem has to give. That date this year is March 13 for the United States, … Continued

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Date March 6, 2022

What do you mean by ‘EVERYONE,’ Mr. President? EVERY category of Black voters soundly rejects your chain migration.

According to Pres. Biden in last week’s State of the Union address, “EVERYONE from labor unions to religious leaders to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce” supports his “immigration reform.” Apparently, African American voters aren’t part of his “everyone.” Polling of Black voters, for example, finds 57% opposed allowing any immigrant to bring or petition for … Continued

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Date February 23, 2022

POLL: Black voters strongly oppose ‘labor shortage’ arguments of Biden, biz lobbies, all congressional Democrats and some Republicans

Black voters are not buying the Biden Administration’s insistence that the nation faces a severe labor shortage that requires the massive increases in work permits for immigrants and other foreign workers contained in his Build Back Better proposals. A national poll released this week by Rasmussen Reports found “likely voters” who identified as “Black” have … Continued

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Date February 9, 2022

Who doesn’t want a tight labor market?

A few days after the Twitter Spaces event “How Does Immigration Benefit Black Americans” trended #1 on the social media site, Pamela Denise Long hosted Roy Beck for two sessions to discuss his book Back of the Hiring Line: A 200-year history of immigration surges, employer bias, and the depression of Black wealth. The two … Continued

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