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Date July 26, 2024

J.D. Vance gets an “A” from NumbersUSA; echoes Barbara Jordan in convention speech

In his acceptance speech Wednesday night at the Republican National Convention, Vance sounded a whole lot like the late Democrat Barbara Jordan.

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Date July 23, 2024

Harris’ Immigration Grade: 1% (F-minus); lower than Biden’s

Kamala Harris’ NumbersUSA grade during her time in Congress was 1 percent. By comparison, Joe Biden’s Congressional Grade Card was 34% and J.D. Vance’s is 90% (Trump did not serve in Congress). Click on the links to view their full Grade Cards. NumbersUSA issues a grade for every member of Congress based on their support … Continued

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Date July 11, 2024

Texas needs E-Verify to curb illegal immigration; protect habitat

The following are excerpts from Leon Kolankiewicz's oped, "Texas needn't choose between protecting the environment and securing the border," in the Austin American-Statesman, July 9, 2024:

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Date June 14, 2024

Mingling with the Activists during my Boston Media Blitz

My trip to Boston was amazing! I gave two presentations, had an OP-ED published, and completed a radio show. I was out in Boston with the movers and shakers, who are pushing back against the open border narratives. I also had an opportunity to meet with a few community members and let them know more … Continued

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Date June 13, 2024

Schools overwhelmed by border crisis

The huge spike in inadmissible children entering the U.S. unaccompanied (UC) or as part of a family unit (FMUA) is overwhelming school systems in receiving communities.

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Date May 2, 2024

The Forced Labor Convictions Come One by One Hurrah? Hurrah?

There is a good deal of discussion right now about forced labor in China and the seafood industry, among others. Many in Congress are up in arms about securing America’s supply chain to ensure goods and services entering America are not enabled by forced labor. While this is laudable, the same Congress, media, and Executive … Continued

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Date April 24, 2024

The Department of Labor and the ‘Child Labor Tax’

A working theory of government is that they can reduce undesirable behavior by taxing it. When the government wanted to reform the health insurance industry, they imposed a tax penalty for citizens who refused to buy health insurance. The government taxes early distributions of retirement savings accounts because it wants to discourage early withdrawals. This … Continued

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Date April 19, 2024

You Should Be Worried More About Criminals Than Crime Rates

The current cause celebre of the open borders crowd is the oft-repeated canard that illegal aliens are less likely statistically to commit a crime than American citizens. The veracity of that statement is very much in doubt for all sorts of reasons, including the pesky fact that many law enforcement encounters do not inquire or … Continued

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Date March 22, 2024

Tyson Foods Both Closing Plants AND Seeking More Migrant Labor

This week has seen reports that Tyson Foods is anxious to hire recent asylum seekers.

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