The signs are clear. Ecological overshoot is here.

By Rob Harding

Many thanks to my friend Karen Shragg, naturalist and gifted writer, for her meditation on Earth Overshoot. Shragg writes: “As our traffic jams and homelessness increase while our open land for wildlife is doing a deep dive it is time to consider the harsh reality that our country may be expansive, but it is not … Continued

Greater Yellowstone sprawl study: notes from the field

By Rob Harding

Last month, Scientific Director Leon Kolankiewicz visited the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) as part of NumbersUSA’s forthcoming study on the threat posed by urban sprawl to this still-wild region often described as the American Serengeti. A few dispatches from Leon and others are shared in this post, offering a glimpse into the experience and the … Continued

Slow the Californication of Idaho: reduce immigration

By Rob Harding

Idaho’s population has grown faster than any other state’s in the past decade. Since 1980, it has doubled, from 940,000 to over 1.9 million today, and this explosive growth is set to continue. By 2060, Idaho is on track to have a population of 2.7 million. Idaho’s population has grown so much because America’s population … Continued

Sprawl is the top driver of America’s nature loss. It’s time to confront the top driver of America’s sprawl.

By Rob Harding

Think globally, act locally, set an example This week’s International Day for Biological Diversity invites us to “be part of the Plan.” The Plan refers to the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, also known as the Biodiversity Plan. For those of us in the U.S., our collective efforts to stop America’s loss of nature are contributing … Continued

EarthX 2024: Conservation efforts overwhelmed by immigration and sprawl

By Rob Harding

Immigration-driven population growth is constraining the movements of wildlife, especially for large mammals like wolves which require room to roam. Projected future growth under current federal immigration policy is likely to cause more human-wildlife conflicts.

A talk about trade-offs in Texas

By Rob Harding

In a state where 95% of the land is privately owned, the trade-off between unchecked population growth and open space preservation in Texas is clear.

Prevent the Californication of Idaho: Reduce Immigration

By Rob Harding

Idaho is the fastest growing state by rate. Gem State residents don’t want more unchecked growth, according to new polling data.

America’s farmers, ranchers, and producers don’t want the consequences of immigration-driven population growth

By Rob Harding

The consequences of our expanding population encroaching on America’s farm and ranch strongholds were on the minds of many attendees at the 2024 American Farm Bureau Convention.

A Reflection on Earth Overshoot Day: Helping #MoveTheDate for America and the Planet

By Rob Harding

July 29 was Earth Overshoot Day, the day which marks when we have used more from nature than the planet can renew for the entire year. Our demand for Earth’s resources far exceeds what Earth can generate in a year. In the 1970s Earth Overshoot Day fell in December and November. In the 1990s it … Continued