Obama Administration Importing Illegal Aliens’ Relatives at Taxpayer Expense

By Jim Robb

In an outrageous new development, the Obama Administration has started a program to bring the Central American relatives of the illegal aliens it has amnestied (or plans to amnesty) to the United States! Instead of forcing the minors, and near minors, to face the dangerous and expensive trip from Central America on their own (like … Continued

The Arizona Fever

By Jim Robb

Yesterday, the respected Pew Research Center released a new poll showing Americans are backing Arizona’s recently passed immigration enforcement bill, SB 1070, by huge margins. According to the poll, 73% of Americans agree with “requiring people to produce documents verifying their legal status if police ask for them.” When the Pew Poll respondents were asked … Continued

Why I’m thankful for America, and what NumbersUSA is doing to protect what we’re thankful for!

By Jim Robb

All of us at NumbersUSA can easily become focused on what’s wrong with America. We believe immigration numbers are way too high and that illegal immigration is ruinous to the country. It’s true that we must quickly act to reduce today’s crazy, out-of-control immigration levels. The bright side is that we still have a country … Continued

We must move fast to stop Sens. Reid and Durbin, now that they have revealed their amnesty plans for this year

By Jim Robb

Late last week the Open Borders coalition, in and out of Congress, revealed their plans to push through two major amnesties this year. Now is our chance to stop them. Here are the developments: The Los Angeles Times reported that foundations controlled by billionaire George Soros and others have put together an $18 million war … Continued