AG Sessions Leads Implementation of Pres. Trump’s Immigration Agenda

author Published by Chris Chmielenski

In Donald Trump’s run for the White House, he promised bold changes on immigration. Those changes, if enacted, would boost American workers and put the country on a more sustainable path by reducing legal immigration and deterring illegal immigration.

No person in the Administration has done more to advance Pres. Trump’s immigration agenda than Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Here’s an overview of some of the areas in which AG Sessions has taken bold action over the last 21 months.

END DACA – AG Sessions authored the legal defense for the Trump Administration’s decision to end the illegal DACA executive amnesty. The Department of Justice has also defended the decision to end DACA in a number of legal challenges filed by several states and pro-amnesty groups.

END SANCTUARY CITIES – AG Sessions has taken several actions to discourage states and local jurisdictions from providing sanctuary to illegal aliens. He’s blocked Department of Justice grants for sanctuary jurisdictions and sued the state of California over the state’s passage and implementation of laws that block both law enforcement and employers from working with federal immigration officers. AG Sessions has also supported a Texas state lawsuit that seeks to eliminate sanctuary jurisdictions in the Lone Star state.

REDUCE ASYLUM FRAUD – Earlier this year, AG Sessions took action to reduce the growing number of illegal border crossers who exploit the asylum system to avoid prosecution for illegal entry. He strengthened the credible fear standard by clarifying that the law does not allow individuals to receive asylum for fear of gang violence or domestic abuse perpetrated by non-governmental actors. He ruled that credible fear claims should only be approved when the alien has a well-founded fear of persecution in their home country because of their race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group. This single action should help reverse the dramatic rise of defensive asylum claims entered by illegal aliens over the last decade.

INCREASE IMMIGRATION JUDGES – AG Sessions has taken steps to eliminate the enormous backlog of cases that are bogging down the immigration courts. Just last week, AG Sessions announced that the DOJ would be increasing the number of immigration judges by 50% to help deal with the more than 746,000 immigration cases that await a ruling. This major new expansion would be on top of the additional judges AG Sessions sent to the Southern border region earlier this year to help deal with the ongoing border surge. He’s also issued new guidelines to immigration judges to ensure the fair and expeditious treatment of cases and placed limits on judges’ ability to postpone hearings that allow illegal aliens to live and work in the United States.

ZERO-TOLERANCE POLICY – AG Sessions issued a zero-tolerance policy for illegal border crossers, ordering the prosecution of all foreign nationals apprehended crossing the border illegally. The policy also covers illegal aliens who enter a defensive claim for asylum – approximately 80% of illegal border crossers from Central America who claim asylum have their claims eventually denied.

In his State of the Union speech earlier this year, Pres. Trump said “Struggling communities, especially immigrant communities, will be helped by immigration policies that focus on the best interests of American workers and American families.”

It’s clear that Attorney General Jeff Sessions has done more to implement those policies than any other individual in the Trump Administration.

CHRIS CHMIELENSKI is the Deputy Director for NumbersUSA

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