Search results for: Eddie Huey
Only 33% of West Virginia’s Democratic “likely voters ” say they prefer the 10-year amnesty for up to 8 million illegal immigrants in the budget reconciliation bill that is headed to the Senate, according to new polling by {text}. The overwhelming opposition to that amnesty from Senator Joe Manchin’s own party, and even greater objections … Continued
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Only 33% of West Virginia’s Democratic “likely voters ” say they prefer the 10-year amnesty for up to 8 million illegal immigrants in the budget reconciliation bill that is headed to the Senate, according to new polling by {text}. The overwhelming opposition to that amnesty from Senator Joe Manchin’s own party, and even greater objections … Continued
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Much of the country’s attention for several months has been focused on the disproportionate joblessness, low incomes, poverty and overall economic inequality that beset Black Americans. Lots of politicians are attempting to at least sound like they want to do something. But very few seem to realize that tight-labor conditions during that time helped all … Continued
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Today, I want to introduce you to nine Members of this two-year Congress who have achieved our top distinction in challenging the status quo of immigration policies that drive down wages and increase the non-employment of American workers. American workers and their families have been served well by dozens of Members who have done a … Continued
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Much of the country’s attention this summer has been focused on the disproportionate joblessness, low incomes, poverty and overall economic inequality that besets Black Americans. Lots of politicians are attempting to at least sound like they want to do something. But very few seem to realize that tight-labor conditions during that time helped all Americans … Continued
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Let’s get beyond impressions and general attitudes about the Democratic front-runners’ positions on immigration issues. Our Prez Grid focuses on the 7 candidates whose Real Clear Politics average polling number exceeded the 2% mark on Sep. 1. That includes in alphabetical order Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, Beto O’Rourke, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Andrew … Continued
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A number of media outlets are reporting that the Trump administration has ended the “medical deferred action” program, which will result in the removal of thousands of illegal aliens living in the country who are receiving life-saving medical treatment. However, the reports misrepresent the policy change and exaggerate the impacts. First, there is no “medical … Continued
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Will candidates agree with the Party’s voters that immigration laws should favor recruiting — and pay raises for — American workers? You wouldn’t sense it from the candidates in the Democratic debates thus far, but most Democratic voters want the government to stop illegal migration. And they want it done in a way that should … Continued
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Shouts such as “holocaust” from one side and I want to urge all who seek a restored order at the border and a reduction in immigration numbers to avoid even a hint of nativism in response to the challenges at hand. {text} NUMBERSUSA OPPOSESnativist policies that favor native‐born U.S. citizens over foreign‐born U.S. citizens.”– From … Continued
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