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Date March 18, 2024

State of Illegal Immigration

Over seven million people entered the U.S. illegally between Jan. 2021 and March 2024; more than the population of 36 states.

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Date March 12, 2024

Conservation Candidates Must Address Immigration

Colorado College’s 14th Annual “State of the Rockies” poll is out, and voters are especially concerned about the loss of natural habitats and wildlife within their borders

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Date February 2, 2024

Arizona: This population trend is not sustainable

Arizonans are living more densely than ever before but have lost over 1 million acres of open space over a 35-year period due to population growth.

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Date February 2, 2024

Texas Sprawl Study Unveiled at EarthX, 2023

NumbersUSA sent a team to the Texas State Fair grounds in Dallas, TX, home of the largest Earth Day exposition in the world, EarthX. We presented our new study on Texas sprawl, and shared our exhibit with over a fifteen hundred people, most of whom were not surprised to learn that Texas has lost more … Continued

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Date February 2, 2024

The Illusion of Limitless Texas Habitat

Condensed from the full, 40-minute presentation of NumbersUSA's key findings in its 2023 study of Texas urban sprawl and loss of open space. Roy Beck, one of the study's three authors, presented the findings at the largest Earth Day exposition in the world in Dallas, April 2023.

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