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Tell Your NC Congress Members Sensible Immigration Slows Down Population Growth

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Only two states in the last four decades have lost more agricultural land and natural habitat than North Carolina (more than 2.5 million acres). A study of government data has calculated that accommodating the state's exploding population (more than 4.2 million additional residents) was responsible for most of the lost farmland and nature.

This rapid population growth and rural destruction continue today, and most North Carolina residents don't want it. A recent poll found that 81% of voters answered that they either want the population to grow "much more slowly" (50%) or not at all (31%). I agree with that and other poll results showing that North Carolinians by wide margins want less development to protect the state's way of life, its productive agricultural land, and the natural habitats that sustain the rich but threatened wildlife of our mountains, piedmont, and coastal plains.

As a Member of Congress, you can help by working to reduce annual immigration back to more moderate traditional levels. Federal immigration policies are currently forcing about 90% of the nation's population growth. Most of North Carolina's population growth since 1980 is the direct result of immigration plus Americans moving in from other states of much higher population growth and density, cost of living, and direct immigration.

Until federal officials lower and moderate the numerical level of immigration, even the best local plans and political commitment will be unable to stop the loss of North Carolina farmland and open space resulting from human sprawl.

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