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Date September 15, 2023

Disappearing Colorado

Colorado's population growth since 1982 has led to congestion, environmental issues, and water concerns, urging leaders to address these problems.

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Date June 15, 2022

Remembering immigrant opposition to emancipation on Juneteenth holiday

For eight days in July 1834, immigrants’ fear of the mere possibility of a future flood of newly freed slaves from the South competing with them for jobs in New York City boiled over into a full-scale riot involving thousands. Watch our video about this little remembered event in American history. The new Juneteenth holiday … Continued

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Date June 13, 2022

Census data reveals 2 million increase in foreign-born population under Pres. Biden

Last month the Center for Immigration Studies released a report on the increase in the foreign-born population in the United States since President Biden took office on January 21, 2021. The report by Steven A. Camarota and Karen Zeigler found, not surprisingly, that it had increased by two million and that this increase was “driven … Continued

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Date May 12, 2022

The 1834 New York Labor Riots

“For eight days in July 1834, immigrants’ fear of the mere possibility of a future flood of newly freed slaves from the South competing with them for jobs in New York City boiled over into a full-scale riot involving thousands. It drew international attention.” – Back of the Hiring Line, Chapter 3 Watch the video … Continued

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Date February 2, 2022

2021 Immigration Review & 2022 Outlook for Workers

Immigration was a significant part of the Biden administration’s agenda in 2021, irrespective of the minimized media attention it garnered. These stories, however, covered top immigration news over the past twelve months, including executive actions, record border crossings, the administration’s focus on “root causes,” low polling, and amnesty in Build Back Better legislation. 2021 In … Continued

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Date December 3, 2021

Work Visa Programs Diminish Black Labor Prospects

As Black unemployment persists at high rates, data mounts on how visa programs work to keep Americans, and Blacks in particular, un- and under-employed. Pamela Denise Long and Miriam Jordan took on this troubling reality in recently published articles. Long asks “Should Black Americans Champion Immigration?” for her October Newsweek opinion piece 一 then probes … Continued

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Date November 3, 2021

House Set to Repeat History of Immigration Injustices

We don’t like to say this much, but it has long been the practice of many restaurants to hire staff as inexpensively as possible and provide them with the fewest benefits that they can, often by restricting their hours so they don’t qualify as full-time employees….I guess that can be a good business plan when … Continued

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Date December 7, 2020

History of the Border Surge

Lat week, we highlighted “Joseph Chamie’s warning”that another surge at the border is imminent. We don’t know how this latest one will play out — which depends largely on how the next administration handles it — but we can look back over the last decade to get a good idea of what we might expect. … Continued

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Date October 30, 2020

Camarota: A ‘Trump Effect’ Has Slowed Immigration to the U.S.

Dr. Steven Camarota, Director of Research at the Center for Immigration Studies, published a report last week on net migration (the difference between the number of people entering and the number leaving the U.S. in a given year) since 2010. He found that the “immigrant population (legal and illegal) has grown much more slowly since … Continued

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