White House Immigration Liaison Opposes Employer Verification

author Published by Chris Chmielenski

White House Domestic Policy Council Director Cecilia Munoz, who is also directing Pres. Obama’s efforts to pass a mass amnesty for illegal aliens, opposed workplace verification when she served as the Senior Immigration Policy Analyst for the National Council of La Raza. The Center for Immigration Studies has uncovered a 75-page document prepared by Munoz in 1990 that responds to the 1986 amnesty bill. In the document, Munoz and NCLR call for the repeal of the I-9 workplace verification system.In the report, Munoz also opposes a national ID card, which has been pushed by Rep. Luis Guitierrez and five of the eight “Gang of Eight” members in the Senate – Senators Chuck Schumer, John McCain, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, and Dick Durbin.In the 1990 document prepared by Munoz, she concludes that workplace verification creates discrimination in the workplace and the federal government should focus more on securing the border.Congress should repeal employer sanctions. No public policy objective justifies creating discrimination against U.S. citizens and others lawfully authorized to work in the United States. Congress, therefore, has a moral obligation to repeal employer sanctions. …Congress and the Administration should develop alternatives to employer sanctions which would be more likely to be effective at controlling illegal immigration without infringing on the civil rights of Hispanic and other Americans. Such a policy should include: increasing border enforcement and accountability of the Border Patrol; increasing enforcement of existing labor laws, thereby “targeting” employer [sic] who continue to hire and exploit undocumented workers; and increasing penalties for harboring and smuggling illegal immigrants.Congress should reject proposals to develop any type of identity card. It is not clear that any new type of identification system, whether it be a new card or an “improved” social security card, would reduce discrimination. Implementation of a new form of identification may cause more problems than it resolves.To read the full document, see the Center for Immigration Studies. 

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