White House: Border Surge to Reach 127,000 in 2015

author Published by Admins

An internal document that the Obama Administration sent to congressional appropriators last spring on the expected surge of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs) has been made public with startling new information. In it, the Obama administration predicted a large number of UACs to arrive last summer and record numbers for summers to come. The document counters claims that top federal officials did not anticipate the surge last summer.

In a 24-page PowerPoint, dated April 22, 2014, the administration stated that the number of UACs would rise “by nearly a factor of 10” to 60,000 in 2014. The document went on to state that “if these growth rates continue”, the number would double and jump to 127,000 in 2015. The document asked for $2 billion in order “to accommodate” the UACs including some members of the MS-13 crime gang.

Based on the document, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) wrote a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell stating that the PowerPoint Health “raises significant questions about whether the administration has been truthful with the American people and Congress about its knowledge of the scope of the UAC problem.”

Sen. Cruz further charged the administration with considering strategies to deal with the matter that are “arguably intended to deceive the American people and Congress” as well as questions whether the explanation for the children’s migration north have been massaged.

Read Sen. Cruz’s full letter

For more on this story, read the Washington Examiner

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