Vast Majority of New Yorkers View Migrant Crisis as Serious Issue

author Published by Chris Pierce

According to a Siena College poll released earlier this week, an overwhelming majority of New York voters believe mass immigration’s impact on their state is a massive problem.

Siena College pollster Steven Greenberg said,

New Yorkers – including huge majorities of Democrats, Republicans, independents, upstaters and down-staters – overwhelmingly say that the recent influx of migrants to New York is a serious problem for the state.

Specifically, the recent poll found that 82% of New Yorkers found the migrant crisis to be a serious problem for New York, 54% even went as far as to call the crisis “very serious.”

Additionally, 58% say “New Yorkers have already done enough and should now work to slow the flow of migrants,” and a plurality of voters also said “migrants resettling in New York over the last 20 years or so has been a “burden,” not a “benefit” to the state,” according to the poll.

Only 16% of New Yorkers said the migrant crisis wasn’t a serious problem in their state.

Breitbart News provides some much-needed quantitative context:

Since the spring of last year, more than 72,000 border crossers and illegal aliens have arrived in New York City, the majority of which — 37,500 — remain in the city’s shelter system, which now includes hotel rooms, homeless shelters, and a former jail paid for by local taxpayers.

The Siena College poll was conducted August 13-16 among 803 registered voters. Of them, 503 were contacted through a dual frame (landline and cell phone) mode and 300 respondents were drawn from a proprietary online panel.

You can read the complete story, here.

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