U.S. Sanctions Belarus over Illegal Migrants to E.U. as Record Number Cross Its Own Southern Border

author Published by Chris Pierce

Last week, the Biden Administration announced that it would be joining the E.U., U.K., and Canada in extending sanctions against Alexander Lukashenko’s Belarussian regime for allowing, if not facilitating, a flood of illegal migrants into the borders of the Euro-bloc. The news comes on the heels of a record-breaking year for illegal migration through America’s porous southern border.

Last Wednesday, the U.S. joined the nations mentioned above in targeting “people and entities close to” Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko, who, according to the E.U., have aided in channeling a surge of illegal migrants into Europe. In a joint statement, the U.S., E.U., U.K., and Canada wrote that the sanctions were a response to “continuing attacks on human rights and fundamental freedoms in Belarus, disregard for international norms and repeated acts of repression.”

AFP, a French news organization, reports that the Lukashenko administration has purposefully pulled in migrants to Belarus with empty promises of immigrating to Europe. On top of this, several prominent E.U. nations have accused the Belarusian regime of encouraging or even forcing these illegal migrants to rush the borders of Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia.

In total, the U.S. Treasury Department published sanctions targeting 20 Belarusian individuals and 12 “entities.” The department also imposed strict restrictions on “dealings in new issuances of Belarusian sovereign debt,” an act that limits the European country’s ability to borrow money. Included in the sanctions were President Lukashenko’s son, several aircraft companies, and a fertilizer company.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a public statement:

Today’s actions demonstrate our unwavering determination to act in the face of a brutal regime that increasingly represses Belarusians, undermines the peace and security of Europe, and continues to abuse people seeking only to live in freedom.

Obviously, Joe Biden’s wish to join Canada and other European allies in sanctioning Belarus for opening its borders and enticing illegal migration into the E.U. flies in the face of the Biden Administration’s actions, or lack thereof, when dealing with America’s border crisis and immigration enforcement meltdown.

In October, the Washington Post reported a record-breaking total of 1.7 million official encounters with illegal aliens at the southern border, adding “Historic data shows fiscal year 2021’s figure was the highest total ever recorded.” That 1.7 million encounter number includes approximately one million wage-cutting migrants who are now competing against the U.S. labor market.

A Breitbart News article on the topic concludes:

The inflow is in addition to the Biden administration’s choice to revive legal immigration — roughly one million per year — and the inflow of foreign temporary workers holding H-1B and other work permits alongside the vile trade run by human smugglers.

All told, Biden’s deputies likely imported two million foreigners into the United States, even as tens of millions of Americans are struggling to find good jobs, pay for homes or rent, and to persuade politicians to vote in their pocketbook interests.

For the complete story, please visit Breitbart News.

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