Understanding the True Scope of The Biden Border Crisis

author Published by Chris Pierce

According to testimony from Chief of U.S. Border Patrol Raul L. Ortiz at the House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee hearing in Texas, approximately 1,500,000 illegal aliens have snuck across the southern border during President Biden’s tenure in the White House.

This new estimate by Chief Ortiz includes an astonishing 1,300,000 illegal alien “gotaways” who were spotted by U.S. Border Patrol and/or surveillance systems but ultimately evaded capture, plus approximately 200,000 additional illegal aliens who evaded detection altogether.

Considering Chief Ortiz’s recent revelations, President Biden’s administration has allowed roughly 4,200,000 predominantly economic migrants to cross the southern border into the United States since January 2021.

Breitbart News reports that “Rep. Carlos Giminez (R-FL) asked Chief Ortiz: ‘Supposing that we have 1.3 million gotaways, what is your estimate of the people — that we don’t know about — that got away?'”

The head Border Patrol agent replied:

385,000 gotaways so far this fiscal year (Beginning October 1, 2022). We continue to refine that number…

In my estimation, based upon the situational awareness that I have, probably between ten and twenty percent .

Unfortunately, Chief Ortiz’s 1,500,000 total gotaways estimate is in addition to the approximate 2,700,000 illegal aliens allowed into the country’s interior through the Biden Admin. ‘s systemic use of the unlawful practice known as ‘catch-and-release,’ since January 2021.

Since Biden took office, this inflow has added up to approximately 4,200,000 illegal aliens allowed into the United States. For context, this represents more than one illegal alien for every one of the 3,700,000 U.S. births recorded in 2022.

To make matters worse, President Biden has imported at least 70,000 migrants via his widespread abuse of parole powers since January 2023. This massive and often overlooked inflow is expected to reach an additional 600,000 migrants released into the United States each year. (Thankfully, Biden’s “parole pathways” were recently ruled illegal by a judge.)

And all of this is on top of the standard ~1,000,000 cap on legal immigrants permitted to enter and reside in the United States yearly since Congress last set the total in 1990.

Disastrously, total migration numbers into the U.S. continue to rise. Breitbart News accurately points out that the flood of migration across the southern border and 1,000,000 legal immigrants per year still do not include the roughly 750,000 temporary workers imported by businesses each year to take American jobs and depress wages.

When all is said and done, these factors total roughly 6,000,000 new migrants ushered into the United States between 2021 and 2022.

Breitbart News reports:

The Biden migration added at least four million workers to the nation’s workforce. That flood was urged and welcomed by business groups because it cuts Americans’ blue-collar wages and white-collar salaries, and it also reduces marketplace pressure to invest in productivity-boosting technology, heartland states, and overseas markets.

Rep. Mark Green (R- Tenn.), who scheduled the eye-opening House Homeland Security Committee hearing in Texas, lamented the recent success of Mexican drug cartels who “are making billions — billions — bringing people into the United States, many of whom … have to pay the cartels back with forced criminal labor.”

You can read more about the story here.

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