Tens of Thousands of Aliens Currently Waiting to Cross Border

author Published by Chris Pierce

According to a recent report by Axios, as many as 50,000 illegal aliens are waiting in Mexico for a chance to cross the border, hoping to “run out the clock” on the public health order known as Title 42 – which a federal judge ordered the Biden Admin. to keep in place last Friday.

According to Axios, that 50,000 total is approximately double the official estimate made by the Administration in March 2022, when the decision to lift Title 42 was made. The massive total also means that approximately 8,000 aliens are attempting to illegally cross the border each day, with nearly 40% of those encountered so far this fiscal year coming from outside Mexico or the Northern Triangle countries.

Axios adds, “Documents show Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) releasing roughly 1,200 migrant adults and 1,300 family members into the U.S. every day.”

The news broke in an interagency meeting that occurred on Friday before the Judge’s ruling keeping Title 42 in place; there, DHS admitted to tracking between 40,000 and 50,000 migrants waiting in Mexico for an opportunity to cross the border illegally. Additionally, sources familiar with the data stated that the total includes an estimated 10,000 Haitian migrants.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas admitted that “the U.S. Border Patrol already is managing numbers at historic levels due to large movements of people fleeing violence, corruption, poverty, climate change and other hardships,” adding that “numbers could rise further from confusion over recent court orders and as smugglers continue to peddle misinformation to make a profit.”

Axios concluded their report by adding that Border Patrol has now begun releasing dozens of illegal aliens directly into El Paso as open-border organizations and church group shelters, which typically take in aliens, are already at maximum capacity.

You can read the complete report here.

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