“Tell Biden We Are Coming,” Several Thousand Migrants Form New Caravan En Route to U.S.

author Published by Chris Pierce

Earlier this week, reports circulated of a massive migrant caravan organized via QR code that had left the southern Mexican city of Huehuetán on Monday en route to the southern border.
The caravan is reportedly the largest and most organized this year, comprised mostly of Haitians, Central, and South Americans. Migrants ‘registered’ to join the caravan through a QR code sent around as early as October 15.
This is the QR code that migrants in the Caravan used to sign up… @FoxNews #BorderCrisis pic.twitter.com/sJpwIa0vVK— Griff Jenkins (@GriffJenkins) October 25, 2021
Fox News reports that one migrant named William, an El Salvador national, stated:
Tell Biden we are coming!
Fox News also captured video footage of the caravan showing thousands of migrants, including small children pushed in strollers, walking north on their way to the U.S. border. Mexican officials say there are approximately 3,000 migrants who left southern Mexico on Saturday – that number is expected to continue to grow.
DAY 3… 20 miles North of Tapachula. This is the largest most organized Caravan we have seen come out S Mexico this year that began w a QR code sign up on Oct 15th… mostly Central Americans, South Americans and Haitians @FoxNews #BorderCrisis pic.twitter.com/vb1B8eQdug— Griff Jenkins (@GriffJenkins) October 25, 2021
Since the 2019 border surge, Mexican officials added that the country had banned truck drivers from assisting migrant caravans by letting them ride along to the U.S.-Mexico border. Reports have come out of migrants instead hitching rides on cargo trains. Mexican officials have reportedly begun cracking down on that form of transportation as well.
On Saturday, at the beginning of the caravan’s journey, the migrants were met by a wall of Mexican police in full riot gear. Still, the caravan quickly overwhelmed the police and stormed through to continue on their trek.
This comes less than a week after U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced that there had been more than 1.7 million migrant encounters in the 2021 fiscal year, the highest number ever recorded.
The administration’s response to the unprecedented surge in migration – blame climate change.
Additionally, the Biden administration has repeatedly ignored the existence of migration “pull factors,” which they continue to magnify, instead diverting blame to “push factors” like poverty, corruption, and general crime (none of which are grounds for asylum in the United States). The administration’s answer to these “push factors” is to send four billion taxpayer dollars to the Northern Triangle, even though these countries already receive tens of billions of dollars in aid through remittances every year.
For the complete story, please visit Fox News.

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