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Stiffer Immigration Laws Take Effect in Missouri

author Published by Chris Chmielenski

New immigration laws went into effect in Missouri at the start of the new year, requiring all public employers in the state to use E-Verify. Private businesses are still not required to use the Department of Homeland Security’s workplace verification tool unless they hold a government contract worth more than $5,000, receive state loans or have been caught hiring illegal aliens.

Businesses that are not required to use the E-Verify system are encouraged to use it, however. The new legislation could suspend a business license for any businesses caught using undocumented workers unless they used E-Verify to screen their new hires.

More on this story can be found at the Fort Mill Times
The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that 35,000-65,000 illegal aliens live in Missouri, which is about one percent of the nation’s estimated 12 million illegal aliens. Missouri’s unemployment rate hit 6.7 percent, though, in November.

There are now 12 states that require some employers to use E-Verify with Arizona and Mississippi requiring all businesses to use the system.

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