Sen. Ron Johnson Releases DHS Data Further Exposing Failures of Biden’s Border Policies

author Published by Chris Pierce

Earlier this week, U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), the ranking member of the Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, released newly obtained data from the Department of Homeland Security exposing the complete failures of the Biden Administration’s disastrous border policies.

According to the data released by Sen. Johnson, as a result of the Biden Administration’s failed policies, between March and August 2021 – over 270,000 illegal aliens have been released and dispersed into the nation’s interior with little to no chance of removal. Sen. Johnson requested the data from DHS in October 2021.

Additionally, within that same time frame mentioned above, over 50,000 illegal aliens – accounting for more than half of the aliens released into the nation’s interior with a Notice to Report (NTR) – failed to appear at their local enforcement offices as promised as a condition for their release.

For context, the Department of Homeland Security explained in their response to Sen. Johnson: “When an alien receives an NTR, they are told to appear at an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) field office within 60 days to receive an NTA and begin the immigration process.”

The Senator’s press release adds; “Of the 49,859 aliens that did report to an ICE field office, only 16,293 (15.6 percent of the total number that received NTRs) received Notices to Appear (NTA), which begins deportation proceedings for the alien.”

Senator Johnson’s release summarized the quantitative data given to his office by the Department of Homeland Security.

DHS informed Sen. Johnson that between March 21, 2021 (the start of the NTR program) and August 31, 2021, it “processed” 273,396 illegal aliens into the United States. Out of that number, it issued 104,171 Notices to Report and released those individuals in the interior of the United States.

Of that total:

  • 49,859 checked-in with ICE (37,161 checked-in within 60 days, and 12,698 checked-in after 60 days).
  • 47,705 did not check-in with ICE and were outside the allotted 60 days.
  • 6,607 did not check-in with ICE and were still within the allotted 60 days.

DHS further clarified that between March 21, 2021, and December 5, 2021, ICE issued 50,683 NTAs to aliens previously released on an NTR. For over 40,000 of those cases, ICE does not have data on what immigration court is overseeing these cases, despite the fact that ICE acts as the prosecutor in deportation proceedings.

For the complete press release, please visit Sen. Johnson’s website.

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