Rubio dodges immigration controversy at CPAC

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“I do think it is interesting, and telling, that he didn’t mention immigration,” said Rosemary Jenks, director of government relations for NumbersUSA, which want to reduce the current immigration level of 1 million people per year.However, the speech’s contents “completely conflicts with his [immigration] plans,” said Jenks.“You can’t grow the middle class when you’re flooding the low-skill labor market and keeping workers impoverished,” she told The Daily Caller. “The only thing that grows is big business profits and the entitlement system.” Elsewhere at the CPAC meeting, a speakers’ panel comprised of immigration-supporters earned only tepid applause, Jenks said.“About the only applause line was when [Rep. Raul] Labrador said we shouldn’t give illegal aliens a path to citizenship,” she added. Neil Munro in The Daily Caller

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