Published by
Chris Chmielenski
Fox News is reporting that Pres. Obama will announce a 10-point executive action on immigration next week that will grant deferred action to at least 4.5 million illegal aliens. The report does not stipulate whether or not the action will issue work permits to illegal aliens, but does indicate that illegal-alien parents of U.S. citizen children would be eligible to receive the amnesty. The action will also expand the President’s 2012 executive action, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).
DACA granted deferred action to illegal aliens who met certain requirements and came to the United States before the age of 16 and arrived before 2007. The deferred action shielded recipients from deportation and issued them a work permit. As of June 30, 2014, 580,946 illegal aliens have been granted deferred action. The change will allow illegal aliens who entered before 2010 to qualify.
The executive action would also extend a path to citizenship to 500,000 tech workers and their spouses.
Pres. Obama is also expected to end the Secure Communities program. The program facilitates information sharing between local law enforcement agencies and federal immigration agents to help identify criminal illegal aliens, although several cities have “opted” out of the program because of complaints from pro-amnesty groups. The program was consistently defended by former DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano and was meant to replace the 287(g) program that allowed local law enforcement agents to enforce federal immigration laws.
Pres. Obama’s executive action is also said to “bolster” border security and increase the pay for Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to help boost the agency’s low morale.
The President’s executive action is sure to receive pushback from Republicans in Congress and last week’s midterm voters. Earlier this week, RNC Chairman Reince Preibus called on Republicans to stop Pres. Obama’s executive action through the budget process. Additionally, a poll from The Polling Company/WomanTrend found that 74% of voters wanted Pres. Obama to work with Congress on immigration instead of acting alone.
Earlier this week, the President also announced a plan to extend the length of time for visas issued to Chinese nationals. The plan would extend student visas from one year to five years and extend business and tourism visas from one year to 10 years.
“It is difficult to assess yet whether Fox has gotten hold of something close to what the President plans to release next week, or if it is just one of several options he is considering, or if the White House is making sure this is leaked in order to measure the reaction,” NumbersUSA President Roy Beck said.
For more on the story, see Fox
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