Rep. Ben Quayle Cosponsors Three Immigration Bills

author Published by Chris Chmielenski

Rep. Ben Quayle (R-Ariz.) has cosponsored three immigration bills
from the list of bills that make up our “5 Great Immigration-Reduction Solutions.” Rep. Quayle has now cosponsored bills in 4 of our 5 categories – only missing a bill to end the Visa Lottery. That bill, H.R.704
introduced by Rep. Bob Goodlatte, has already been approved by the House
Judiciary Committee and can no longer add more cosponsors. Rep. Qualye
serves on the Judiciary Committee and voted for H.R.704 during markup. At the end of last week, Rep. Qualye cosponspored:  H.R.100 – The CLEAR Act introduced by Rep. Marsha Blackburn would increase interior enforcement by requiring federal immigration officials to cooperate with local law enforcement agents. It also provides full funding for SCAAP, which reimburses states that incarcerate criminal illegal aliens.H.R.140 – The Birthright Citizenship Act introduced by Rep. Steve King would end Birthright Citizenship, requiring that at least one parent of a child born in the United States be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident. The U.S. is one of only two industrialized nations (Canada) to still offer Birthright Citizenship.H.R. 692 – The Nuclear Family Priority Act introduced by Rep. Phil Gingrey would end Chain Migration. The bill would reform the family preference visa categories to only allow nuclear family members (spouses and minor children) that are foreign nationals to receivegreen cards. The bill wouls also create a temporary, but renewable visa for the parents of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents. Ending Chain Migration was a recommendation of the Barbara Jordan Commission and would have the greatest impact in reducing overall immigration numbers.To see Rep. Quayle’s grade card, click here.

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