Pro-amnesty groups are holding a demonstration in Washington, D.C. today on the anniversary of the 2006 march, which brought out over 200,000 people. Organizers expect a much smaller crowd for today’s demonstration, which is dubbed the “Rally for Citizenship” or the “Time is Now Rally.”Organizers such as the Service Employees International Union expect tens of thousands of people from more than 30 states to participate in the event, which will feature speeches from illegal-alien advocates, labor leaders, religious leaders and Members of Congress. NAACP President Benjamin Jealous will deliver the keynote address.The demonstration comes just as the Senate’s “Gang of Eight” is finalizing a proposal to amnesty millions of illegal aliens and increase legal immigration levels for high-skilled and low-skilled foreign workers. The deal could be announced in the next few days but the Senate Judiciary Committee is not expected to markup legislation until the week of May 6. So far, only one hearing is scheduled on the proposal for April 17th. NumbersUSA President Roy Beck said of the demonstration, “There ought to be a rally for the 20 million Americans who can’t find a full-time job. If the Gang of Eight could look out on the (Washington) Mall and see all those Americans shut out of the job market, would they really make their highest priority a bill to immediately give work permits to 7 million illegal-alien workers while increasing visas for new foreign labor?”Read here or here for more information.
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