NYT Admits Ending Title 42 Could Mean Up To 18,000 Illegal Border Crossers Per Day

author Published by Chris Pierce

The New York Times recently reported that President Joe Biden’s decision to end the CDC’s public health order, Title 42, could amount to upwards of 18,000 illegal border crossings a day. If this prediction comes true and the administration does nothing to hamper it – the U.S. could be forced to accept over 6.5 million illegal aliens per year.

For comparison, in Fiscal Year 2021, when the U.S. saw the largest number of illegal aliens crossing the southern border in history – the surge averaged approximately 6,000 alien encounters per day, nearly one-third of what is projected by the NYT if Title 42 is ended by the Biden Admin.

The Biden Administration has announced that it plans to end Title 42 on May 23, 2022. The pandemic border order allowed U.S. immigration enforcement officers to immediately expel migrants in order to slow the spread of Covid-19. Title 42 was one of the few Trump Admin. policies President Biden decided to keep during the first year of his administration.

The New York Times wrote late last month,

The Department of Homeland Security briefed lawmakers and reporters on Tuesday about its preparations for handling as many as 18,000 illegal crossings a day, which it considers a “mass irregular migration” situation. Officials said that federal agencies were coordinating with state and local officials to put in place additional personnel, transportation, detention facilities and medical assistance along the border. The department also released an official planning document for responding to different scenarios if there is a spike in illegal immigration.

Delaying the change until later this spring gives the administration more time to prepare. But Brandon Judd, the president of the Border Patrol union, said the agency could not adequately prepare for the change in one and a half months. Expelling migrants under the public health rule takes border officials about 15 minutes, he said, compared to the usual processing, which can take hours per person.

For the complete story, please click here.

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