NumbersUSA statement on The Border Security and Enforcement Act of 2023

author Published by Chris Chmielenski

NumbersUSA strongly supports the efforts of the House Judiciary Committee and House Republican Leadership to end the border surge through the passage of the Border Security and Enforcement Act of 2023. This bill fulfills the promises that Republicans made last year in their Commitment to America to take the steps necessary to secure the border.

If enacted, this bill would bring an end to the border crisis that has overwhelmed the Border Patrol—and American communities—for more than two years. The Biden Administration has not only failed to use the enforcement authority given to them by Congress to gain operational control of the border, but has abused its power by processing into the interior of the United States thousands of aliens without legitimate claims to enter or stay.

This failure by the Biden Administration has resulted in documented cases of child labor trafficking across the country and abuse of unaccompanied alien children in the United States and at the border. Human trafficking through our open border has led to the effective enslavement of aliens, as well as mass layoffs of Americans, both occurring alongside record cartel and corporate profits. The Biden Administration’s abdication of its enforcement duties has overwhelmed Federal and state resources, and allowed fentanyl to flow freely into our communities. The death toll from this flood of fentanyl continues to mount.

The House Judiciary Committee has traveled to the border and heard from hospitals and schools struggling to operate in the aftermath of the perpetual human tragedy unfolding due to President Biden’s refusal to enforce the law. The millions of migrants being ushered into the United States by the administration are increasing the demand for scarce housing, goods, and services, which in turn has propelled inflationary pressures that are driving more Americans into debt and destitution. The United States cannot hope to restore economic sanity and public safety without first restoring order at the border.

The Border Security and Enforcement Act of 2023 would plug the loopholes in our asylum system that are exploited by economic migrants, restoring its integrity and protecting it for legitimate asylum seekers. It would block the administration from continuing its policies of catch-and-release, thus deterring future waves of illegal migrants. It would put a stop to the surges of family units and unaccompanied alien children, protecting them from exploitation and victimization by the cartels and traffickers. It would put teeth into efforts to deter visa overstays, and it would rein in the breathtaking and illegal abuse of parole that this administration has been using to create its own immigration system outside of the confines of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Finally, it would fulfill the promise of a lawful workforce with mandatory, nationwide E-Verify, which would shut off the “jobs magnet” for illegal immigration while protecting jobs for American workers.

NumbersUSA encourages every Member of Congress to stand with the Judiciary Committee and Republican Leadership and support these common sense reforms. We are especially grateful to Speaker McCarthy, Leader Scalise, Whip Emmer, Chairman Jordan, Chairman McClintock, and Congressman Biggs for their commitment to protecting American workers and ending the border crisis.

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