No. 1 Champion for American Workers Chosen as Ranking Member of Judiciary Committee

author Published by Chris Chmielenski

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) has been selected by Senate Republicans to serve as Ranking Member of the Judiciary Committee, which oversees the Immigration Subcommittee. Sen. Sessions is a leading advocate for reducing immigration levels and recently sponsored the E-Verify extension amendment to the economic stimulus bill.

“Now we have the No. 1 champion for the American workers on immigration issues being the ranking member,” said NumbersUSA’s executive director Roy Beck.

During the 2007 Amnesty debate, Sessions led the charge against the bill. Through an abundance of interviews and floor speeches, Sessions successfully communicated the impacts of the bill on American workers and families and was able to help keep the bill from cloture.

Earlier this year, he added an amendment to the economic stimulus package that would have extended E-Verify for five years. His persistence, with the help of a massive NumbersUSA grassroots effort, forced a floor vote on the amendment until Sen. Pat Leahy moved to table the bill.

Sen. Leahy serves as the Chair of the Judiciary Committee, but with Sen. Sessions’ prior experience as a federal prosecutor, he will serve as a conservative watchdog on the Committee. Any immigration legislation, including the already proposed DREAM Act, will have to go through the Judiciary Committee and Sen. Sessions before it reaches the Senate floor.

View Sen. Sessions NumbersUSA report card.

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