NAFBPO Calls for New Immigration Policy to be Rescinded

author Published by Admins

The National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers (NAFBPO) released a statement early last week voicing their opposition to President Obama’s plan to individually review the deportation cases of 300,000 illegal aliens. The administration’s plan will permit hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to remain in the United States despite them already being involved in deportation proceedings.

Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, cited public safety and a backlog in the immigration courts as justification for the new policy. The administration claims that it wants to focus on “individuals who pose a threat to public safety.” NAFBPO states that the “policy will encourage further illegal immigration and damage respect for law by foreigners” and believes the administration’s plan would in essence, remove “the incentive for following our nation’s legal immigration process”.

“They have already had their circumstances individually reviewed by an officer who is trained and legally empowered to determine alienage. This official determined they were here in violation of the law with no apparent legal right to remain in the United States.

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