More than 70 Dead-of-Night Flights have Transported Illegal Aliens from Border to Florida Since Summer

author Published by Chris Pierce

According to the office of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, more than 70 dead-of-night flights have landed in Jacksonville, moving illegal aliens from the border to the state since summer. Public safety czar Larry Keefe stated: “On average, there’s 36 passengers on each of these flights. And that had been going on over the course of the summer through September.”

The Washington Examiner has reported that Florida officials have said that the Biden Administration “has refused to tell the Governor’s office about who is facilitating the flights and other information.”

According to The Examiner:

Keefe, who was the Trump-appointed U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Florida until early 2021, said the Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Health and Human Services will not tell the state of Florida who is overseeing the flights, the names of those on the flights, or where the migrants are being taken. None of the agencies or the White House responded to a request for comment.

Keefe added, “We don’t know definitively or specifically as to why Jacksonville is the chosen place. having to watch and observe — in effect, spy on the government to see what it is that they’re doing in the middle of the night out of these airport facilities.”

Shockingly, Keefe stated that the Florida government was not even told these flights would take place – instead, learning of the midnight flights only through tips from Jacksonville law enforcement. Local police stated that after landing in Jacksonville, the aliens are transported further into the nation’s interior via I-95.

In early October, you may remember a similar story from New York when the New York Post reported that the Biden Administration was flying “underage” aliens to that state, also on post-midnight flights.

According to that report: “A source familiar with the operation at the Westchester airport said the “underage” migrants typically arrive carrying backpacks and are bused to locations including the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, upstate Newburgh, and Bridgeport and Danbury in Connecticut.”

The report led to the awkward interaction between Fox News’ Peter Doocy and White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, as Psaki quipped and tried desperately to mislead the American people about the suspiciously clandestine flights transporting aliens from the border throughout the country’s interior. This disingenuous attempt by Psaki led to outrage from Americans who demanded answers, but no such explanations have been provided.

The various dark-of-night smuggling operations by the Biden Administration has now led to a horrendously tragic story coming out of the Sunshine State. Reports surfaced that one of the “underage” aliens transported by the Biden Administration was actually a 24-year old Honduran national who is now charged with the murder of a Florida father of four.

24-year old Yery Noel Medina Ulloa was caught illegally crossing the southern border and pretended to be an unaccompanied alien minor; knowing full well, as most Central and South Americans do, he would be released into the custody of HHS before ultimately being released into the country’s interior.

On Oct. 7, Ulloa was caught covered in blood after the brutal caught-on-video stabbing of Francisco Javier Cuellar, the 46-year old father of four who had taken him in. Ulloa again lied to investigators stating he was 17 years old; he was placed in a juvenile detention center until Oct. 13, when local law enforcement discovered his true identity.

Following the Biden Administration’s border agenda, Ulloa was released as an unaccompanied minor to a shelter after issuing him a ‘Notice to Appear.’ (This means the Federal government was relying on the adult alien to turn himself over to ICE when he reached his final destination somewhere in the country.) The Biden Administration then transported Ulloa on one of the clandestine midnight flights to Florida, where he would commit his heinous crime.

The New York Post reported a statement the adult alien’s mother made to the Spanish-language Univision network. “When he entered , he told me, ‘Mommy, I didn’t go in with my name, I went in with the name of another person because right there at the shelter they helped me,” said Wendy Ulloa. The statement possibly alludes that the adult alien may have been coached to lie about his identity and age to be granted access into the United States.

Fox News reports: “An ICE spokesman confirmed to Fox News that ICE had filed an immigration detainer on Ulloa on Oct. 13, who it said was an unlawfully present citizen of Honduras, following his arrest in Jacksonville for murder.”

In an interview with the New York Post, Gov. DeSantis’s office stated:

This horrific crime is the latest example of how unfettered illegal migration costs Floridians’ lives. If not for the Biden Administration’s unlawful ‘catch and release’ policy, Mr. Cuellar would still be alive today. How many more lives will be lost before the Biden Administration decides to uphold the law?

For the original story, please visit Fox News.

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