Local TV Reporter Exposes Big Business’ Role in Refugee Resettlement

author Published by Chris Chmielenski

Reporter for KXJB in Fargo, ND, Chris Berg, exposed the immigration-expansionist group Partnership for a New American Economy last week during his evening program, “Point of View”. Berg’s report focused on efforts to resettle refugees in the Fargo area and the role of outside Business groups, like the Partnership for a New American Economy’s in those efforts.
The Partnership for a New American Economy is a consortium of business leaders and big city mayors that supports expanding immigration. The group is led by Marriott CEO Bill Marriott, Disney CEO Bob Iger, Boeing CEO Jim McNerney, former San Antonio Mayor and HUD Secretary Julian Castro, former NYC mayor and billionaire Michael Bloomberg, former Philadelphia mayor Michael Nutter, FOX Chairman Rupert Murdoch, and former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer.
In his first report, Berg focused on efforts to resettle refugees in North Dakota and the link to Partnership for a New American Economy and international businessman and open-borders advocate George Soros.

In his second report, Berg talks about the nationwide support he’s heard after NumbersUSA posted his report and it was posted on the Drudge Report.

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