Just 14% of Voters Support Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

author Published by Chris Pierce

According to a recent Convention of States Action/Trafalgar Group survey, just 14% of likely voters in the United States support amnesty and citizenship for aliens who have entered the country illegally. Interestingly, an even smaller percentage of Hispanic voters support the idea of amnesty and citizenship for illegal aliens.

Approximately 75% of likely voters believe that aliens who entered the U.S. illegally should simply be expelled, 59.5% said illegal aliens should be expelled and those in the asylum review process should have the review completed and determination made. Only 14.3% of voters think illegal aliens should receive amnesty or a pathway to citizenship.

Breitbart News explains the breakdown of Hispanic responses to the recent survey:

Perhaps more telling is the fact that less than three percent of Hispanic voters, 2.8 percent specifically, believe those who entered the country illegally or are in the asylum review process should be granted amnesty and citizenship, while 78.9 percent of Hispanic voters believe that those who entered the country illegally should be expelled.

According to the survey, “55.6 percent of Hispanic voters believe that those who entered the country illegally should be expelled and that those who are seeking asylum should have their reviews completed and granted asylum or be removed,” while 23.3 percent of Hispanic voters “believe that only those in asylum review should be granted amnesty and citizenship,” per summary of the survey.

Additionally, 63% of likely voters view securing the southwest border as “essential to U.S. national security.” And a majority now believe that state governors have an increasing role to play in immigration enforcement now that the Federal government is neglecting to do so.

Before Republicans retook the house, then-prospective Speaker Kevin McCarthy promised the American people that the house would not consider any legislation that grants amnesty to illegal aliens should he become speaker. McCarthy said:

We know first and foremost one of our greatest strengths is the rule of law, so you have to have an immigration system based upon the rule of law. You have to secure the border. The immigration system is broken and we’re going to fix it. Yes.

You can read the complete article here.

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