June Border Numbers Fall Slightly, FYTD Total Already Higher than FY21

author Published by Chris Pierce

The number of illegal alien encounters decreased slightly in June 2022 compared to May. However, the fiscal-year-to-date illegal alien encounter total (October 2021-September 2022) has already surpassed the total from the entire FY21 – the highest total ever recorded.

In total, USCBP encountered 207,416 illegal aliens in June 2022. This total represents a 13.9% decrease in illegal alien encounters compared to May 2022. For context, in June 2021, CBP encountered 189,034 total illegal aliens; and in June 2019, during the ‘19 border surge, CBP encountered just 104,311 total illegal aliens.

In June, U.S. Border Patrol apprehended 191,898 aliens attempting to cross the southern border illegally. This represents a 14.4% decrease compared to the previous month (224,220 aliens), which was by far the highest monthly total of Biden’s presidency.

Encounters with lone adults made up 68% of June’s total but dropped 15% from May to 140,197 — and only 56% of those adults were processed for expulsion under Title 42.

The Office of Field Operations reported an additional 15,518 illegal aliens encountered at U.S. ports of entry. This represents a 7.5% decrease compared to May. Nationwide, border officials have encountered more than 2 million migrants since the beginning of the fiscal year.

“Customs and Border Protection agents encountered more than 207,000 illegal aliens at our southern border in June. This is highest total for the month of June on record,” Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) tweeted. “Since the Biden Admin refuses to act, states must use their invasion declaration rights.”

“President Biden’s inaction at the border means more American deaths to fentanyl. Does he recognize the correlation and just not care enough to do something about it?” Rep. Mark Green (R-Tenn.) posted.

“The past two days, I surveyed the crisis on the border and it is the worst I’ve ever seen,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said Saturday. “This human tragedy is getting worse and worse and yet Biden, Harris, and the Democrats don’t give a damn about it!”

You can read more at the New York Post.

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