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Illegal Aliens Received $750 Million in Obamacare Subsidies

author Published by Admins


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A new Senate report found that around 500,000 illegal aliens received up to $750 million in Obamacare subsides as of June 2015 despite the law specifically excluding them from the subsidies.

The report was compiled by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and was based on a review launched by the committee Chairman, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.). The report said that, “the administration awarded approximately $750 million in tax credits on behalf of individuals who were later determined to be ineligible because they failed to verify their citizenship, status as a national, or legal presence.”

According to The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services spokesman, Aaron Albright, “lack of verification does not mean an individual is ineligible for financial assistance, but only that a Marketplace did not receive sufficient information to verify eligibility in the time period outlined in the law.”

The federal government still grants the subsidies on a “temporary basis” to those who cannot verify their citizenship in the time period allowed. Their credits are still paid in advance to the insurers. If the recipient is still unable to verify their immigration status, then funding and coverage is suspended and the IRS is supposed to receive overpayments back from the individuals that were wrongly covered.

The report criticized this “pay and chase” method and predicted that the IRS would be “unable to fully recoup the funds.”

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