House to vote on short-term spending bill for immigration agencies and bill to denounce Pres. Obama’s amnesty

author Published by Chris Chmielenski

House Speaker John Boehner says the House will vote on a long-term spending bill for most agencies within the federal government, but vote on a short-term bill for immigration agencies, according to Politico. The House will also hold a symbolic vote on a bill introduced by Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) that would prevent the executive branch from taking executive actions like the one Pres. Obama announced last month.

The House votes will not stop Pres. Obama’s executive amnesty. The short-term spending bill for the Department of Homeland Security would still allow the administration to move forward with an executive action that will grant amnesty and work permits to an estimated 5 million illegal aliens. It’s highly unlikely that the bill introduced by Rep. Yoho, the Executive Amnesty Prevention Act of 2014 (H.R.5759), would receive a vote in the Democratic held Senate should it pass through the House.

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