DHS Budget Cuts not Impacting Perks at Illegal-Alien Detention Centers

author Published by Chris Chmielenski

Earlier this week, ICE Director John Morton told a House Committee that the release of more than 2,200 illegal aliens was necessary in light of the sequester. DHS has also said that Border Patrol agents could face salary cuts because of the sequester. But a new report says the detention centers that hold illegal-alien detainees, which contain many perks for detainees, won’t see any cuts.

Last year, DHS opened up the Karnes County Detention Facility in Texas that reporters described as a “college-like setting in which detainees are housed in dorms or suites that hold eight.” The reports said each suite had a private bathroom and television, and the complex had several recreation areas including soccer fields and basketball courts and had computer labs with Internet access and legal resources.

A New York Times report said, “Detainees will be free to move through much of the center 24 hours a day. Unarmed staff members, dressed in blue polo shirts and khaki trousers, are known as ‘resident advisors,’ not guards.”

The reports adds that its not just the Texas facility that has these comforts for illegal-alien detainees. Older facilities have also been upgraded to to include indoor and outdoor recreation facilities.

“It is highly frustrated for our members, when prisoners [are being taken well care of],” said Shawn Moran, the vice president of the National Border Patrol Council. “Agents are facing the loss of their homes. It’s a huge frustration for us.”

For more information, see the Free Beacon. 

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