Published by
Chris Pierce
According to a recent poll funded by the Dallas Morning News, a plurality of Texas Latinos (49%) oppose the weak border policies of President Joe Biden. Conversely, just 38% of the state’s Latinos supported the President’s policies, seeing approximately 1.5 million migrants cross the border into American’s jobs, housing, schools, and communities.
Additionally, 45% of Texas Latinos support the strong border policies of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott; statewide, Abbott’s enforcement policies received majority support, with 52% approving of the Governor’s initiatives. The Dallas Morning News, a notable pro-migration news organization, conducted the polling in English and Spanish between January 18-25.
The apparent shrinking support for Democrats’ corporate amnesty and migration policies are pushing Latinos away from the party’s base not only in Texas but around the country. Through the past couple of months, multiple political analysts have sounded the alarm warning Democrat leaders that their open-border policies will have a negative impact on future elections.
Breitbart News reports that Mike Madrid, a California-based Republican strategist (prominent in the ‘NeverTrump movement’), stated, “What you see is a big, big shift towards the Republican Party . The shift, Madrid said in a recent podcast, is fueled by the Democrats” collective hostility to middle-class industries and jobs.” He added:
There’s plenty of data to suggest that the real problem here is a policy problem: The Democrats are increasingly a party that is having trouble with working-class Americans because of a lot of the issues that they champion. They are viewed as the enemy of a lot of industries that provide for an $80,000 to $100,000-a-year job working in energy, working in the construction trades, working in all of these industries … It’s really that simple: “It’s the economy, stupid,” right?
One question asked by the Dallas Morning News was about Gov. Abbott’s border security fencing, which Texas has been left to build after Biden pulled the rug out from the federal border barrier, for which Congress had already appropriated the money. The pollster asked: “Do you agree or disagree that a wall along the Texas-Mexico border is necessary for a safe border.”
Unsurprisingly, a plurality of Texans (48%) agreed that a ‘wall’ is a necessary aspect of a safe border, the Dallas Morning News broke the number down, showing support for the ‘wall’ from 35% of Latinos, 28% of Blacks, and 59% of Whites.
Although many newspaper push-polls attempt to show strong support among the public for uncontrolled mass migration, a wide variety of unfortunately little-publicized polls are beginning to show deep opposition to labor migration. For example, Breitbart News reports that the shift is as broad as it is deep, including “anti-establishment, multiracial, cross-sex, non-racist, class-based, bipartisan” and persistent opposition that “recognizes the solidarity that Americans owe to each other.”
For the complete story, please visit Breitbart News.
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