Connecticut to issue driver’s licenses to executive amnesty recipients

author Published by Admins

The office of Conn. Gov. Daniel Malloy confirmed the state will give driving privileges to illegal aliens approved for the Obama Administration’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. The details are currently being worked out.

“It doesn’t require an executive order, but it’s something that the Department of Motor Vehicles can do on its own as a matter of policy,” a governor’s office spokesman said. “If someone comes in with the new federal document, they will receive an ‘unverified’ license” that will be legal for driving. The governor’s office said up to 5,000 illegal aliens may be eligible for the license, which will not be REAL ID-compliant or sufficient ID for boarding an airplane.

The pro-illegal alien group Congregations Organized for a New Connecticut heralded the move and said, “CONECT will not stop there. We will not leave the thousands of these young people’s parents and families and our neighbors behind. So CONECT announces today the Safe Driving Campaign. Together with our legislative allies, we will pursue changes in the law, and our solution is this: to grant…to all residents of the state, regardless of immigration status, an opportunity to obtain a state of Connecticut driver’s license, to register their cars and to properly insure them.”

The group estimates about 54,000 illegal aliens would benefit from a broader license giveaway.

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