Congressional Forum to Discuss Impact of High Immigration on Unemployment

author Published by Chris Chmielenski

NumbersUSA Founder and President Roy Beck will be testifying on Thursday in front of a Congressional Forum. House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Lamar Smith (R-Texas) called the forum – American Jobs in Peril: The Impact of Uncontrolled Immigration – to explore the relationship between high immigration and unemployment.

Since last November, Roy Beck and NumbersUSA has called for a suspension of non-essential immigration, while the United States suffers through one of the worst job recessions since the Great Depression. Last month, the jobless rate hit 10.2%, the highest rate since 1983. Under current policy, however, the federal government has imported 125,000 foreign workers per month.

Rep. Smith has extended an invitation for any interested citizens in the area to attend the forum. It’s open to the public and begins at 1 p.m. in Room 2237 of the Rayburn House Building. Rayburn is on Independence Ave. at South Capitol St. (near the Capitol South Metro stop).

Before leaving for his trip to China, Pres. Obama said of the job’s situation, “[I]f somebody can show me a strategy that’s going to work, then we are happy to consider it.” Roy will arguing that suspending non-essential immigration will help hundreds of thousands of American workers get back to work faster as jobs are created.

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