Border Patrol Encounters Over 2,000 Aliens in RGV Border Sector within 24 Hours

author Published by Chris Pierce

According to a recent report by Fox News, Border Patrol encountered nearly 2,000 aliens in the Rio Grande Vally border sector, with at least 262 “gotaways” in just 24 hours last Friday.

Fox News obtained the information from an anonymous source within the Department of Homeland Security who stated that there were over 1,909 individual encounters with illegal aliens in just one sector.

Additionally, the source stated that there were 262 “gotaways” or aliens that were witnessed illegally crossing the border on cameras or other sensors but escaped as Border Patrol lacked the manpower to capture and detain them.

So far in FY2022 (Oct. 1–present), Fox News reports that over 65,000 aliens have been encountered in the Rio Grande Vally sector of the border. This represents a 161% increase compared to the same period last year. Nearby, the Del Rio sector has seen a 236% increase in illegal immigration compared to the same period the previous year.

More than 1.7 million illegal aliens were encountered in FY2021, over 192,000 in the last month of September alone. These numbers from the DHS source prove that the current border crisis is still festering, nearly a year since Biden took office.

For the complete story, please visit Fox News.

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