Border Numbers Back Near Record Highs

author Published by Chris Pierce

The Biden Administration’s lax to non-existent border policies imported nearly 250,000 illegal aliens during July – “bumping up the annual immigrant inflow to nearly one migrant for every American birth,” reports Breitbart News.

The influx represented a sharp increase in illegal alien encounters compared to June and included 132,000 aliens who crossed the border to be registered and released into American communities, 51,000 aliens invited through border stations via the CBP One app, and an additional 30,000 aliens allowed to fly into the U.S. via one of the multiple illegal parole categories.

It is safe to assume that July also saw at least 50,000 alien gotaways who illegally snuck into the country and evaded encounters with Border Patrol, who are overwhelmed processing the other 132,000 migrants being welcomed by the Biden Administration.

Breitbart News reports,

The massive inflow of illegal and quasi-legal migrants is far above the 2022 inflow achieved by Biden’s pro-migration border chief Alejandro Mayorkas when the Title 42 legal barrier was formally in operation.

The border inflows add to the annual legal inflow via the nation’s airports of roughly one million immigrants, one million temporary workers, plus a large number of foreigners who use tourist visas to get jobs. The overall inflow of roughly 3.5 million long-term migrants adds up to one legal, illegal, or quasi-legal migrant for each of the roughly 3.6 million Americans born in 2022.

You can read the complete story here.

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