Border Crossings Doubled in First Part of FY2016

author Published by Admins

According to a recent DHS report the number of unaccompanied alien children (UACs) coming across the border has doubled and the number of family units has tripled in fiscal year 2016 compared to the same time frame in fiscal year 2015.

The number of unaccompanied alien children (0-17 years old) that were apprehend between October 1- January 31 has doubled from 10,105 in 2015 to 20,455 in 2016. The number of family units apprehended in the same time period has almost tripled from 9,090 in 2015 to 24,616 in 2016.

A recent DHS intelligence report showed that 60% of the family units apprehended at the border said that current U.S. immigration policies influenced their decision to come to the U.S.

Pres. Obama has reinstated the catch and release policy that allows the release of any illegal alien that “claims” to have been in the U.S. since January 2014, though no proof of their claim is required. Once released there is no way to track where the illegal alien goes. Homeland Security Secretary, Jeh Johnson, recently said the administration will be expanding the Refugee Admissions Program to help more illegal aliens coming from Central America to qualify as refugees.

The ongoing surge of unaccompanied minors and families across the border overwhelms the immigration system and places a huge strain on local schools, hospitals, and social services responsible for helping place and care for the unaccompanied children and families.

Legislation has been introduced in both the House by Rep. John Carter (R-Texas) and in the Senate by Sen. Sessions (R-Ala.) and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) that would close loopholes to discourage children from embarking on the dangerous journey to the U.S.

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