Biden Admin. Releases 756K Aliens into U.S. Communities since Inauguration

author Published by Chris Pierce

According to a court brief dated April 14 and filed in the Supreme Court, Biden’s administration has released more than 750,000 illegal aliens into the United States since he assumed office. That total is larger than the population of Boston, Mass., and represents just how much Biden’s DHS has put its Catch and Release mechanisms into overdrive.

Between January 21, 2021, and February 28, 2022, the brief states that DHS has released more than 756,109 border crossers and illegal aliens into American communities.

Releases by month are as follows:

When the total is broken down by agency, Customs and Border Protection was responsible for releasing approximately 545,000 border crossers and illegal aliens, while Immigration and Customs Enforcement released about 212,000.

Breitbart News reports, “At the current rate of deportations, which have been gutted by Biden’s so-called “sanctuary country” orders, it would take ICE agents 14.5 years to deport the border crossers and illegal aliens released into the U.S. interior by Biden’s DHS.”

In addition, at least 500,000 illegal aliens crossed the southern border in 2021 and successfully evaded Border Patrol, and nearly 123,000 unaccompanied alien minors resettled across the country in 2021. The Biden Administration is likely to have welcomed approximately 1,400,000 border crossers and illegal aliens into the country since taking power.

For the complete story, please click here.

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