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The U.S. Congress ultimately will fail to adopt an amnesty plan that Barack Obama is seeking, and the real “victory” will rest on “red state Democrats” who will oppose it, according to a spokeswoman for NumbersUSA, which supports immigration reform as an education and research foundation.Spokeswoman Rosemary Jenks says Sens. “Mark Pryor, Mary Landrieu and Max Baucus will not be able to vote for this due to their upcoming reelection in 2014.”The districts they represent, she said, are too conservative for them to adopt a far-left position on the controversy.She referenced the “red state” designation, meaning conservative- or GOP-leaning states, although the original meaning for that designation was a Democrat stronghold.The opposition of some of those Democrats in conservative locations is well documented, she said.Baucus, from Montana, and Pryor, of Arkansas, also have “B” ratings on NumbersUSA’s “Congressional report card,” indicating their significant support for the integrity of the U.S. border.These are among the reasons Jenks, the director of government relations at the organization, believes “amnesty will not pass.”It will come down to the same arguments as the last time the issue was before Congress, she said.“The people who support amnesty can only get it in ‘comprehension immigration reform,’” meaning that both sides will have to find a means to compromise, which Jenks says “isn’t going to happen.”She says, “The Democrats will not go along with anything that doesn’t end up with citizenship for illegal aliens and Republicans will not compromise on anything that does give citizenship to illegal aliens.”She said in addition, the compromise will be so convoluted that Congress will “end up overreaching and draft a 2,000-page bill that everybody hates.”Her prediction on the Democrat position was confirmed recently when Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., told the Las Vegas Sun, “There will be nothing done in my Senate [on immigration reform] without a pathway to citizenship.”Jenks warned the Republican Party if they do compromise on amnesty and it is passed, “You would see a third party come to life because there is no way the American people would put up with it.”That move also would be a “huge disaster” for the GOP, she said.She said the demographics of virtually unrestricted immigration-to-citizenship paths would be a problem for the GOP because “70 percent of this new citizen body would vote Democrat.”She additionally notes that the problem will worsen even more for the GOP, for she says, “Illegal immigration begets more illegal immigration and amnesty begets more amnesty. If you give amnesty, you give out a message that says come in illegally, you’ll eventually get your turn.” Taylor Rose in WND
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