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SC County Official Endorses E-Verify

author Published by Chris Chmielenski

New South Carolina legislation requires all businesses with more than 500 employees to begin checking and verifying new hires through E-Verify. Although smaller entities don’t have to begin using the verification tool for at least another six months, Pickens County is requiring that all new county employees be verified, and the county’s human resource director has given a strong endorsement.

Jennifer Woods said in a story published by the Independent-Mail (Anderson, S.C.): “E-Verify is phenomenal. I don’t know why anyone would not want to use it. It is free, and you can get results in 30 seconds.”

The county is also requiring anyone doing business with Pickens County must also use E-Verify as of Jan. 1. Woods said it took about 30 minutes of training to get started on the system

The South Carolina law requires that all private employers start using the system beginning on July 1, 2009, and by July 1, 2010 all employers must comply.

More on this story can be found at the Independent-Mail.

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