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Civil Rights Commission Members Urge Congressional Black Caucus to Oppose Amnesty

author Published by Chris Chmielenski

Three members of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights have sent a letter to the Congressional Black Caucus urging them to oppose amnesty. In their letter, the Commissioners ask if there are currently enough jobs in the country for minorities and they say no.”The obvious question is whether there are sufficient jobs in the low-skilled labor market for both African-Americans and illegal immigrants,”  USCCR members Peter Kirsanow, Abigail Thernstrom, and Gail Heriot wrote. “The answer is no.”The Congressional Black Caucus has come out in favor of an amnesty for illegal aliens, and the president of the NAACP Benjamin Todd Jealous was the keynote speaker at yesterday’s pro-amnesty rally in Washington, D.C.But the Commissioners referred to a 2008 hearing where witnesses testified that illegal immigration harms Black Americans.”The briefing witnesses, well-regarded scholars from leading universities and independent groups, were ideologically diverse,” they wrote. “All the witnesses acknowledged that illegal immigration has a negative impact on black employment, both in terms of employment opportunities and wages.”For more information, see the Washington Examiner. You can also read the letter by clicking here.

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