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Date July 26, 2024

Trump doubles down on Immigration & “Black Jobs”

Given the economics of the migrant crisis, Jackson says Black males perceive that “that illegal mass immigration of illegal immigrants in their community is so that they can swap out Black people for brown. They believe that they’re put there deliberately to take those jobs – low-industry, low-skill jobs that are historically held by African-American males.”

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Date July 2, 2024

100th Anniversary of the Immigration Act of 1924

This Saturday marks the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Immigration Act of 1924, arguably the most overlooked and misunderstood immigration legislation in American history. As NumbersUSA’s CEO James Massa says, the 1924 Act “made the American middle class.” The Immigration Act of 1965, on the other hand, has resulted in greater inequality. Both bills had pros and cons. A better immigration policy in 2024 requires a better understanding of the Immigration Act of 1924.

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Date June 13, 2024

Schools overwhelmed by border crisis

The huge spike in inadmissible children entering the U.S. unaccompanied (UC) or as part of a family unit (FMUA) is overwhelming school systems in receiving communities.

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Date June 12, 2024

Immigration is making housing more expensive

Even before the migrant surge, back in 2017, the Urban Institute found that while inflows of immigrants caused a significant increase in home prices and rents in big cities, the areas surrounding those cities experienced even more cost inflation.  This in turn drives both densification within our cities plus sprawling growth well beyond.

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Date May 16, 2024

Amnesty & Indifference

If Mayor Adams took a tour of U.S. communities with low levels of immigration, he’d find American teenagers working as lifeguards. Employers who offer competitive wages and flexible hours to teens find a willing workforce. Increases in low-wage immigrant employment, on the other hand, has been found to decrease work for teens.

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Date April 24, 2024

The Department of Labor and the ‘Child Labor Tax’

A working theory of government is that they can reduce undesirable behavior by taxing it. When the government wanted to reform the health insurance industry, they imposed a tax penalty for citizens who refused to buy health insurance. The government taxes early distributions of retirement savings accounts because it wants to discourage early withdrawals. This … Continued

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Date April 18, 2024

New Regulations Demonstrate H2 Visas Need Real Reform

Both the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and the Wage and Hour Division (WHD) have noticed new regulations designed to protect foreign workers from the explosion of exploitation within the labor market. While the attempts to stop the exploitation should be applauded, the new regulations are correctly understood as mere Band-Aids on deep … Continued

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Date April 18, 2024

“So they were forced, essentially, to hire African Americans.”

100 years ago: Bipartisan support for transformative immigration reform. Doesn't that sound nice? It was the Immigration Act of 1924 that "really changed the world," by essentially forcing employers to hire Black Americans.

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Date April 17, 2024

“Protections from racism, like all civil rights, depend on a national border.”

The collapsed Francis Scott Key bridge had barely touched the water before the cheap labor lobbyists started talking to the Biden administration about giving reconstruction companies millions of reasons not to hire Black Americans for the rebuild.

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