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NumbersUSA and CAPS have long enjoyed working on the common interests surrounding population growth’s impact on the environment and quality of life for all. While working to ensure a sustainable future CAPS has focused primarily on stabilization of California’s population while NumbersUSA has focused on reduction of immigration-driven population growth throughout the U.S. Many would say we have been working on the same issue.

As CEO of NumbersUSA, I am excited about the merger of our two organizations. With CAPS having achieved its primary goal of a stabilizing California population, NumbersUSA is honored to combine our efforts to protect CAPS’ achievement and expand it nationwide to empower voters throughout the United States to achieve a sensible immigration policy.

NumbersUSA is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that believes better immigration policy is needed and possible. Focused exclusively on immigration reform, NumbersUSA is America’s largest single-issue advocacy group with over 8 million grassroots members and supporters spread across every congressional district. NumbersUSA supports a credible and balanced immigration system; one that welcomes the spouses and NumbersUSA and CAPS minor children of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents, is responsive to acute refugee crises, attracts those with extraordinary ability and talents, addresses temporary labor shortages, and protects the most vulnerable all while being responsible and considerate of the impact on environment and the quality of life for all. Founded solely by Roy Beck in 1996 to promote civil debate on the recommendations of the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform – chaired by civil rights icon Barbara Jordan, NumbersUSA continues to advocate for sensible immigration policies that ensure Americans’ safety, promote economic fairness, while protecting the environment and quality of life.

We are particularly pleased to welcome Toby White to the NumbersUSA team where she will continue to work with CAPS members as we involve those who want to continue the battle of protecting future generations and the environment into the membership of NumbersUSA. Toby is available at and at her phone number which many of you already have.

NumbersUSA has addressed immigration at the national level for decades. The management at CAPS hopes that our supporters will join this struggle during the coming decades. Future generations of Americans who live in our country deserve our support. They will need adequate water, food and housing whether their family arrived on the Mayflower or is within the number we can afford to welcome in the future.